
Pharmaceutical R&D

GC Wellbeing—
The Personalized Nutrition Solution Company
Dedicated to Promoting Health and Happiness for All.

What is Cancer Cachexia?

Cancer cachexia is a disease that leads to metabolic imbalance due to weight and muscle loss in cancer patients, either from cancer itself or the use of anticancer drugs. Between 50 and 80 percent of all cancer patients are affected by cancer cachexia, which also leads to the demise of at least 20 percent of them. It is a “multifactorial disease” caused by a complex causal relationship between several risk factors.


BST204 Differentiation

Using GC Wellbeing’s exclusive Bio-Transformation Technology, BST204, which has increased the amount of special saponin components by a small margin, has therapeutic effects on decreased muscle mass and exercise capacity caused by cancer cachexia and increased inflammation and hematopoietic toxicity. BST204 has been tested for safety in Canadian non-clinical toxicity studies and European clinical studies.

  • Promotes muscle protein synthesis & inhibits degradationIncreases muscle mass
  • Activates energy generationImproves athletic performance
  • Reduces inflammatory cytokines Inhibits systemic inflammation
  • Reduces toxicity caused by anticancer drugsReduces hematopoietic toxicity

Development (Drug Safety and Efficacy)

  • PresentGlobal licensing
  • 2021European clinical trial (phase2a) completed
  • 2019Eastern Europe clinical (phase 2) CTA approved
  • 2017German clinical trial (phase 2) CTA approved
  • 2014German clinical trial (phase 1) completed
  • 2011Preclinical trials and CMC studies