
Pharmaceutical R&D

GC Wellbeing—
The Personalized Nutrition Solution Company
Dedicated to Promoting Health and Happiness for All.


The placenta provides nutrients and components for immunity during the growth and development of a fetus for about 9-10 months, once the embryo is fertilized and the fetus moves to and attaches itself to the uterus. The placenta contains many active substances, including physiologically active proteins, functional peptides, enzymes, amino acids, lipids, DNA, and RNA.


Placenta and Laennec

Laennec was approved in 2005 as a placental hydrolysate injection, and in 2011, it was the only placental hydrolysate to have its efficacy clinically proven.

Besides identifying numerous unknown components of placental hydrolysates with infinite potential, GC Wellbeing also researches personalized treatments through scientific studies of disease prevention and treatment and slowing down the aging process.

Laennec-focused Extended Research

  • 신장 건강 (GCWB108) 참고이미지
    Using clinical trials to conduct extended research on intravenous administration, dosage increases, etc.
  • 호흡기 건강 (GCWB109) 참고이미지
    Research on antiviral treatment (e.g. COVID-19)
  • 면역 증진 (GCWB110) 참고이미지
    Study on mechanism and efficacy for the improvement of liver function
  • 모유 유산균 (GCWB111) 참고이미지
    Confirmation of Laennec’s various mechanisms and efficacy in the prevention of new indications

Separating and Purifying Active Ingredients for Development of Treatments Beyond Laennec

  • 참고이미지
    Peptides Derived from Placenta
    Research on isolation, analysis, and evaluation of the efficacy of peptides, which are active ingredients derived from the placenta
  • 참고이미지
    Exosomes Derived from Placenta
    Implementing various efficacy studies on exosomes
    Research on high-efficiency, large-scale purification of exosomes and drug delivery technology