
Sustainability Management

Doing Our Best to Keep
Our Customers Happy and
People Healthy

GC Wellbeing’s Ethical Management Statement

Responsibilities and Obligations to Customers
  • Customers are the center of our work
  • We prioritize customers and put ourselves in their shoes when we provide products and services.
  • We do not engage in acts that are csontrary to laws, company regulations, domestic rules , and customs or ethics of any country in which we operate.
  • We maintain trust and cooperation in our relationships through transparent and fair transactions with our business partners, and do not use our superior position to engage in unfair or unethical behavior.
  • We compete fairly and transparently with our competitors, and actively cooperate in the common responsibility we have for development of the industry and human health.
Employee Responsibilities and Obligations

We lead in creating a healthy, happy work environment, respecting each other and acknowledging each other’s value and dignity.

Our Responsibilities and Obligations to Shareholders
  • GC Wellbeing was created with shareholder investment. We keep in mind that GC Wellbeing grows with shareholder and investor interest and support. We observe our articles of incorporation, company rules and applicable laws and regulations, and do our best to enhance corporate value through faithful management.
  • We respect shareholders' right to know and legitimate requests and suggestions, and strive to maximize shareholders' interests.
Responsibilities and Responsibilities to Country and Community
  • We are a sound, healthy company because we engage in reasonable corporate activities with fair and ethical values, fulfill our social and service responsibilities by creating jobs, and efficiently operate our technology, information, knowledge, and human resources, ultimately contributing to national and social development.
  • We actively cooperate with national health and medical policy and strive to improve the health and welfare of the people.
  • We prevent misuse of pharmaceuticals by producing and supplying highly effective products, and minimize damage to the natural environment through efficient use of energy and continuous improvement of our process operation systems.
Reporting Ethical Management Violations
  • We take measures to prevent unreasonable requests or unfair handling of work that takes advantage of our position as Company employees.
  • If you have experienced or witnessed unfair treatment by our employees, please report it via “Hotline” as a violation of ethical management.
  • Persons providing such reports shall not be disadvantaged in any way, and shall be guaranteed the utmost in confidentiality.