

Never Stop Challenging Yourself
to Make GC Wellbeing
a Global Nutrition Solutions Company

Never stop challenging yourself to become
a leading personalized nutrition solutions provider

Leap forward (2019-present)

  • April 2024Laennec IV Phase-3 IND approved
  • September 2024Laennec import approval from the Food and Drug Safety Administration of Hainan Boao Lecheng , China
  • February 2021GC Wellbeing’s Laennec injection—COVID-19 treatment phase 2 clinical trial approved
  • January 2021GC Wellbeing’s headquarters transferred from Sunaedong, Bundang-gu to the Parc 1 Tower in Yeouido (research center: Heungdeok U-Tower Knowledge Industry Center, Yongin)
  • October 2020European clinical administration of “GCWB20,” a new cancer cachexia drug, completed
  • September 2020Patent for compositions developed for the treatment of helicobacter infection registered
    Patent for “probiotic strain” immune function enhanced Lactobacillus registered
  • July 2020Patent application for “NK Exosome” cosmetic composition
  • June 2020Patent application for “antiviral composition” in Korea
  • November 2019Patent acquired for kidney function improvement probiotic composition
    Construction of the new facility in Chungbuk Innovation City
  • October 2019GC Wellbeing listed (KOSDAQ 234690)
  • August 2019Patent acquired for the cosmetic composition of “NK Cell Culture Medium”
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Expansion of Dr.PNT

In 2016, GC Wellbeing launched Dr. PNT, health supplements & foods for hospitals and clinics, and has expanded the solution to the treatment of pain, care of the intestines, and obesity.

Period of Growth (2016-2018)

  • September 2018ISO 45001/ISO 14001 certified in Eumseong Plant
  • August 2018Safety and health management system (ISO 45001) certification acquired
  • December 2017GCWB204 German clinical trial phase-2 CTA approved
  • November 2017Laennec IV clinical phase-3 IND approved
  • April 2016Dr. PNT, a health supplements & foods for hospitals and clinics, launched
  • March 2016Domestic patent registered for Lonicera japonica Thunb. (treatment of intestinal dyskinesia) completed
  • February 2016BST204 (GCWB204) domestic patent registered (cancer-related fatigue)
    Permit received for GCB bone injection
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Launch of GC Wellbeing Integrated Corporation

From 2006 to 2014, GC Wellbeing established PNT through a merger of GC JBP, which produces Laennec, a placental injection, GC Wellbeing Division, which sells non-covered injections, and Green Cross HS, which is in charge of research and development of natural materials and pharmaceuticals, ultimately laying the foundation to become a specialized company.

Formation Period (2015)

  • December 2015Company name changed to GC Wellbeing
  • October 2015Sales takeover of GC Wellbeing Division
    Merger with GC HS Co., Ltd.
  • March 2015Japanese PDMA GMP compliance inspection approved
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Expansion of nutritional injections for prescription drugs and development of new natural pharm products

From 2006 to 2014, each company that makes up the present GC Wellbeing grew into a leader in their respective fields on R&D, production, and sales.

Period of Exploration (2006-2014)

  • November 2006Acquired permission for using drug materials
  • September 2014BST204 (GCWB204) phase-1 clinical trial in Germany completed
  • May 2014GC6101A-gastritis and gastric ulcer IND approved in Korea
  • April 2013Acquired license for food manufacturing
  • February 2010Acquired license for health supplements & foods manufacturing
  • July 2008Acquired license to manufacture food additives
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Manufacturing of Prescription Drugs Based on Placenta

For the domestic production and supply of Laennec, a placental injection, GC Japan Bio was established in partnership with Japan Bio Products Co., Ltd. (JBP), laying the foundation for entering the “well-being injection market.” Considering the nature of human-derived medicines, which are vulnerable to contamination, Eumseong Plant, where Laennec is made, uses advanced manufacturing processes, including virus inactivation and sterilization confirmation, to ensure safe, stable production of high-quality products.

Foundation Period (2004-2005)

  • April 2005Laennec, a placental injection, approved
  • March 2005Branch office opened in Eumseong, Chungcheongbuk Province
  • November 2004Pharmaceutical manufacturing license approved
  • September 2004GC Japan Bio founded
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