G r e a t C h a l l e n g e
W o r t h B e g i n n i n g
Closer to human life
Delving deeper into human health
From medical care to home-care
A great challenge that goes beyond borders,
We are GC Wellbeing.
Dreaming of Expanding the Realm ofWell-being to Bring Greater Health
GC Wellbeing contributes to human health through personalized nutrition solutions and
uses constant research to make itself a global leader in the field.
G r e a t C o n f i d e n c e
W o r t h B e g i n n i n g
Observing more closely, Thinking more deeply
With a strong responsibility to promote the health of humankind
A great challenge that goes beyond borders,
We are GC Wellbeing.
With Passion and Dedication, GC Wellbeing Aims to Change Lives
From Laennec, the No. 1 injection in terms of market share,
to non-covered pharmaceutical products and Dr. PNT, South Korea’s
first health supplements & foods for medical use
Since the composition of each Individuals’ intestinal microbiome changes by age, GC Wellbeing focuses on research and development of customized probiotics according to the life stages of infancy, adolescence, youth, middle age, and the senior years, in addition to gender.
Learn More >>Individually-Recognized
Functional Materials
GC Wellbeing discovers quality functional materials through the process of standardizing raw materials for various natural products and searching for active ingredients.
Learn More >>Pharmaceutical Products R&D
With the challenge of developing the World’s First treatment for Cancer Cachexia, GC Wellbeing continues to discover excellent functional materials through the process of standardizing raw materials for various natural products and searching for active ingredients.
Learn More >>G r e a t C o m p a n y
W o r t h B e g i n n i n g
Growing deeper and closer to the daily lives
Our customers are at the core of our growth
A great challenge that goes beyond borders,
We are GC Wellbeing.
Becoming a Global Leaderin the Health Industry of the Future
Ushering in the “centenarian era,” it is GC Wellbeing’s mission to help everyone understand
their current physical health and harmonize it with their mental well-being, ultimately helping to enjoy
a happier and fuller lives. GC Wellbeing is committed to leadership in promoting a healthy lifestyle
through personalized nutrition solutions.
- Land Area 33,057㎡
- Floor Area 18,512㎡
- Annual production capacity of 27 million vials and 36 million ampules