
Individually Recognized-Health Functional Ingredients Development

GC Wellbeing -
Develops Ingredients
Recognized for Their Safety and Functionality.

Joint and Cartilage Health

Osteoarthritis, the most common form of arthritis, occurs when a joint has been over-used for long periods of time or has been weak from a young age.

The goal of treatment is to maintain as much joint function as possible without pain.

What is JOINSIST®?

Chrysanthemum zawadskii herbich var. latilobum (also known in Korea as “Gujeolcho”) is said to be the most effective plant in the Asteraceae family.

Since ancient times, the stems and leaves have been used as a blood tonic and, with their strong analgesic and anti-inflammatory features, have been known as effective in treating neuralgia.

Gujeolcho, the official flower of Korea’s city of Jeongeup, has a unique component and fragrance.
JOINSIST® is an individually-approved raw ingredient using Gujeolcho only produced in Korea.

Joint and Cartilage Protection of JOINSIST®

You can check it by moving it left and right.


Scientific Name Chrysanthemum zawadskii var. latilobum
Part of Plant Used Whole Plant (leaf, root, stem, flower)
Features An odorless, pale greenish-brown powder without artificial flavor
Active Ingredient Linarin
Function Supports joint and cartilage health
Suggested Use 250 mg/day (Gujeolcho extract)