
Sustainability Management

Doing Our Best to Keep
Our Customers Happy and
People Healthy

Environment, Safety and
Health Management Policy

GC Wellbeing places top priority on management of the environment, safety and health to fulfill its responsibilities to our customers, stakeholders and society at large, and shall engage in integrity in all aspects of its management.
GC Wellbeing is also constantly improving and promoting its HSE (Health, Safety, Environment) management system to preserve the natural environment, and to make all its workplaces accident-free.

Development and Manufacture of Eco-friendly Products

We strive to minimize pollution and develop eco-friendly product technology at all stages from developing and manufacture of pharmaceuticals to their disposal after use.

Compliance with Environment, Safety and Health-related Laws and Regulations

We continuously improve our level of environment, safety and health management, willingly complying with domestic and international laws and regulations related to the environment, safety and health and strengthening internal management standards.

Improvement and Prevention

We eliminate environmental pollution risks and safety and health-related accidents by setting environmental, safety and health goals, actively providing essential resources and continuously monitoring, evaluating and improving those goals and identifying new ones.

Communication on the Environment, Safety and Health

We enhance the awareness of stakeholders and all employees through active education on the environment, safety and health and related promotional activities, taking the lead in efforts to expand mutual understanding and exchanges with business partners and local communities to fulfill our social responsibilities.